Author: Sreya Bremtin
my heart has no filter no fire screen to keep the sparks from flying from landing from starting everything it touches aflame.
Life Lesson from a Feline
The tip, tip, tap of tiny cats paws traverse the kitchen floor as she walks to the drinking fountain. She sits beside it, dips one foot in, and licks the water from her paw. This is how she drinks, one molecule at a time, taking life in increments and savoring the taste.
Quarterfinalist in ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Contest
Excited to announce that The Big Time has been chosen as one of the quarterfinalists in the 2022 ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Contest!
writer problem #411
when it has been so long since you touched one of your WIPs, that you have to reread what you have already written to recall what happened, so you can work on it again…